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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why would I do this?

Possibly I'm blogging my personal and philosophical musings on life because I think and write them daily anyway - whether it be in emarls to my besties or in any of my 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...and counting journals/diaries/books. A journal for every 'type' of thought apparently. That would be my self-diagnosed Asperger's Syndrome coming into play, me reckons. 

I don't really anticipate that these musings will be particularly interesting to anyone who isn't at least faintly interested in being a fairy...or a magical being of some description (it's my observation most men do not like to be called fairies) while on earth.

Personally, my magic powers are not that new (had them since I was born, so did you) but they have been out of action for quite some time. Over the past six years (and especially the last two), I've been polishing them up. I don't believe they are at anywhere near full capacity, but they are kinda impressive none-the-less. So I guess I'm primarily writing this blog for fairies - lapsed and not - and hope it to be informative. Secondly, I write it because as touched upon...I write a lot on this topic of FairieLosophy every day anyway. So why not blog it? You will actually be rather amazed at how much I write on the topic of magic, daily. So let me tiptoe you through it it will give a bit of a flavour for what topics this blog might touch upon, if I decide to continue with it.

The simple fact is that my daily journal writing ritual begins like this:

* wake up. Try to think GOOD-feeling thoughts as opposed to BAD-feeling thoughts.
* arrange a cup of tea. This is done using various methods depending on the mood of the various kitchen facilities in the caravan. Sometimes it's a case of boiling the water in the cup, in the microwave (2.30 seconds on high) and then add teabag or tea leaves in straining spoon for 3 minutes, sometimes it's a matter of boiling the not-really-pink-more-copper-such-a-shame anodised kettle on the electric hotplate...and sometimes it can be a matter of plugging in the standard electric kettle. It really just depends on what feels like shorting out in the caravan that day. Which is fine. I get it. I'm prone to mood changes depending on the thoughts I allow myself to think too. So certainly, I allow the kitchen facilities to have their conversations with each other as I sleep, work out who will be boiling the water for the tea, and then let me know when I begin to plug and unplug the chords...
* arrange three dates on a plate. Take now-made tea and three dates to my bed and get out my morning journals:

1. Three Blessings. I write three things that happened the day before that I think are rockin. I now often find many many more than three, which is fine. You list them all. This is allowed. The idea is to get into an appreciative frame of mind, because that feels bettoo and life goes bettoo when you're in it.
2. This Fairy. Now being suitably mind-framed for the coming day (Ie I'm not a chained-to-humdrum-suffering-limited-unimaginative-'real'-life human existence...instead I'm a fairy with ACTUAL magic powers), I am ready to plan the day. So This Fairy is about listing the things that 'this fairy' (ie moi) is going to 'do, be or feel' today. The This Fairy list should be ideally short so as not to turn "a few fun ideas" into "a heavy load of endless obligations", but because life is actually magical, it doesnt matter if you write a long list - because the whole concept of the This Fairy list is to write potentialities. Nothing written MUST be done (note the difference of "This Fairy" listing as opposed to your standard human "To Do Today" list. Very, very different). So This Fairy becomes a daily journal of a few or a few hundred ideas to delight me. Once I've written it, I feel better still...but what must happen next (aspies like that structure!) is I must - WITH MY HEART - pick the first idea from the list that I will - or MIGHT - do. This step is only accepted when the idea brings joy to my heart. Otherwise, I try again. Well, no I don't. That's never happened: it's easy to know which idea seems the most fun.

3. Six Impossibles Before Breakfast. This journal I've been keeping for 4 or 5 years. I started it while living with Daz. I was inspired by something I read, whereby The Queen (in that stupid book Alice In Wonderland [in fact, it was Through The Looking Glass] shut that nitwit, whinging, limited, prissy fool, Alice and her limited imagination down quicksmart:

"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Someone once called me the Queen as an insult. Pah, world's greatest compliment more like.
I digress. Back to Six Impossibles Before BreakfastI was immediately thrilled with the concept of conjuring six impossible ideas before breakfast. What a way to start a day! The more outrageous the idea, the better I liked it, the better the list felt! To date, my favourite is a "olympic pool at Kesho Leo Children's Village, Tanzania"! LOVE IT. So I started that journal, kept it all through Africa, and keep it now - less religiously. Why the lapse? Well, I've found that yes, this journal's practice is mind-expanding if I'm feeling particularly human (limited). When I'm a fairy, however, I don't feel any inclination to write in it - everything is possible, so from this perspective, it's not actually that rewarding to write down things you know are possible. See? So really, 6 Impossibles, sometimes named 6 Magix (because I came to realise more and more that "impossible" was a limiting term and in fact these things COULD actually transpire, so it was more 'fun' and possibly more 'accurate' to refer to them as "magix"), is there for when I'm not quite a fairy. It helps me back into the Enchanted Garden, which is of course, the magic parallel universe of unlimited possibility, pure positive energy, where all fairies, such as myself, live.

But the evolution of 6-Impossibles-come-6-Magix doesnt end there. More recently, as I further explore and practise using the love-energy pure-positive-potentiality magic that is the language of the universe, I have been toying with a concept I call "Suspending Beliefs". It helps magic happen (quite a lot of personal proof on this...some of which when I'm out of fairyland, I find hard to believe - but it happened to me, so therefore I do believe it, cause...I was there! I'm my own eyewitness). Suspending Beliefs involves pushing yourself to thinking just beyond your limited-negative beliefs. You can only play this game, while you're human, not while you're a fairy (because fairies don't hold limited or negative beliefs), and again it's a process I do for fun (loooove discovering more and more how the universe works) and because in doing it, I help move my human-self back into my fairy-self, which is a lot more fun place to be, oh yes it is. I will write more on Suspending Beliefs later, as I'm rah-vah pashnit boutit as that delightful, luscious-locked pixie Russell Brand would intone. Anyhoo, the point I was making is that now the journal that began life as 6 Impossible Things Before Breakfast, become the journal known as 6 Magix Before Breakfast is now today known as X Suspended Beliefs Before Breakfast. "X" because I started off trying to suspend 6 beliefs a morning, and goodness, it's mind-bending work (of course it is - that's the essence of you're doing: pushing your boundaries of belief into areas you...don't quite believe, and then...try to get yourself to believe them so that signs of proof can (and do) manifest. Phew, what adventure!), so I let myself off the hook (no fairy should ever even be on a hook - unless its Captain Hook's for the noble pursuit of adventure) and granted myself the la-la-leisure of suspending only as many as beliefs I felt like suspending that day.

4. The next journal I use almost daily is "Synchros". It's where I list the universe's language of confirmation you're on the pah-th you're carving out for yourself - synchronistic happenings. Daz was big into the concept that there are no coincidences. I didn't before appreciate the profound ramifications of such a statement. Do you? Do you know what saying this actually means? It means that you understand that the universe - and all in it (tautodge, I know) - is an intelligent, THINKING, alive, CONSCIOUS, self-aware being...that has the capacity to compute and organise. You know? Like YOU do! And the universe includes all that we see before us, right? Trees, rocks, dirt, grass. Therefore, these things, in their essence, are also consciousness...yes, for those still with me, I just said that rocks and dirt think. Out-there-dont-care - I stand by it wholeheartedly - which for me means every cell in my being, because I know all my cells are thinking using their heart too. Digress-i-oceana again. Apologetics. Fear not, I'm not going to continue down this metaphysical meandering path, outlining what is being outlined by thousands of people today - whereby I bash out concepts of implicated and explicated universes, quantum wave collapse functions, manifested and unmanifested matter (not today, anyway! But at some point I will because I LOOOOVE this exciting stuff, the "stuff" of creation!). For today, howeverment, suffice to say, for 3-5 years, I've been doing my research to my satisfaction (and you can do your research, to yours) and it makes sense to me to keep a journal where I list some of the conversations I have with the thinking universe, outlining in English, conversations that happened via the 'inexplicable yet absolutely magical'  language of the universe: synchronicities.
5. The next journal I write up almost daily is my 'dream book'. I write the dream up in bluepen (signifying a 'human' experience) and then write up my 2nd tier interpretation and learning (2nd tier is the human world 'of learning through suffering") in another colour - and then THE USEFUL AND IMPORTANT PART - the 3rd tier illumination - the illumination that exists in the world of fairies, Enchanted Garden. Third tier illumination is very different from 2nd tier learning. 2nd tier learning is all about obligation - doing things that you dont really want to do in order to keep others happy, fit into society, 'learn' to be a better person... It's fuckin crap. But it's useful info to gather (identifying the crap...and asking for a 3rd-tier superior understanding, broader perspective), while you're making a transition from having lived always in that 2nd-tier-learning world and moving into full-time residence at The Enchanted Garden, land of unlimited knowing, crystal understanding, broader perspective. So 3rd tier illumination is profound. It's mind-expanding like you only hoped thought could be in your wildest dreams. It's totally free-ing and light and fun, and energising and life-giving. To know something at a 3rd-tier level is thrilling - all good. There is no obligation, lessons to be learnt, school of hard knox crap... that's all 2nd tier, limited, bounded, obligation shit - and it feels unfun because IT IS UNFUN. That's the definitive difference: 2nd tier learning is life draining. 3rd tier illumination is life-giving. I call them 'learning' vs 'illumination' purposefully. Push on thru to third-tier illumination every time. That's my motto, and that's what I do. Daz often delivers me with truly profound, dazz(hah)lingly beautiful 3rd-tier illumination. Sometimes I find it myself (but daz is never far - this is where he lives!). So, with my dream journalling, I'm always very conscious of achieving 3rd tier illumination on my dreams. So there are three parts to every dream: The dream. The 2nd Tier Analysis. The 3rd Tier Illumination. This is a very calming process because my perspective changes as I travel the journalling journey - ie what is the dream, usually is, let's be frank, a nightmare! Second tier analysis will suggest I take some suffering, 'realistic', "sensible' action to 'address' the issues raised in the nightmare. None of these ideas feel good, just feel like 'obligation'. The...ah...delightful 3rd tier, however, shows me the beautiful information in the dream, my beautiful existence and my perfection, the perfection of all that is... the pure perfect potentiality of my gorgeous life - eternal life, and that any expansion I experience in this earth-life, as a result of my experiences in this earth-life, is just another expansion, that's all - it's my nature to expand into my greater self. I can fight it and feel discomfort or I can see the beauty of the dream's message about my expansion, and take the expansion joyously because I did, afterall, call it to myself at my soul level. Of course the fairy did. So that the distinctions between 2nd tier learning and 3rd tier illumination are more readily understood, I will in a few days pick a dream that I've journalled and analysed in both 2nd and 3rd tier, and post it. Then everything will be total clarity.

7. The last journalling I do, I will group together here at Point 7 because it's all a bit random and messy (not nearly as structured as the above journalling processes). I have a work book, where I 'work' out ideas - FairieLosophical in nature, naturally. I have endless word docs all mish-mashed, no order, on my computer, written on various magikali topikali. Some might become posts here in future. And I have about 1008 pieces of paper with short (sometimes simple, sometimes complex) summaries of my most poignant discoveries - things I wish not to ever forget (which I wouldn't, but having them bluetacked all over my annexe walls, kinda helps).

8. And now apparently I have started a journalling blog. So maybe I will collect the elements of Pt 7 and post them randomly. 

I really have no plans for this blog. But as you see, I do a lot of writing perhaps I'll put some of it here. But then...I dont even have a plan to make a second posting, as yet.

Off to the garden to tend the roses (see Stanley Perpetual below), now.

Fairie Losopher

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